Por: Marcos Alfredo Ávila Guzmán AK "The Darkness Scientist"
Si hay una escena dentro del metal nacional que es "marginada" o es subvalorada, es la escena Folk/Pagan. En general, esto es debido a que tradicionalmente en el país no hay esa "vena" o ese espíritu que se tiene en Europa o inclusive, en Asia. Pero dentro de la poca actividad dentro de este subgénero, tenemos algunas bandas que realmente destacan y están a la altura de muchas de las bandas europeas, reafirmando esas raíces que tenemos de ese Viejo Continente e incluso, tenemos bandas que retoman a nuestros ancestros prehispánicos como lo son Yaotl Mictlan o los polémicos Tlillan Calmecac (de quienes hablaré en otra ocasión).
En este caso, es un honor para mí presentarles a la que, personalmente, tiene el futuro de ser una banda reconocida no sólo a nivel nacional, sino a nivel internacional, como ellos mismos lo atestiguan al haber tocado en algunos de los exigentes países europeos.
A continuación, les dejo su biografía tal como ellos mismos la presentan en su Myspace:
Beyond Kingdom of Time” was formed in 2006 by Šaramainen and Saberhagen Simmons in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico. At the beginning it was not a very serious project, it lacked the ideals and commitment, there were only a few cover songs to be rehearsed, as it was just a hobby band. With the pass of time, there were some ideas for songs, they seemed to be interesting, soŠaramainen began working hard with the themes.
It was in 2007 that BKoT gathered force, moved by strong ideals of fairness, endurance and strength, and saw the first themes done. These themes, melodically dense, down-tempo, were an experimental fusion of certain extreme metal genres with soft symphonic sounds and scores.
The band began to look for members, but they were unable to find good musicians, BKoT was eager to bring the themes to light, so the first demo started to be prepared. Then at the drums, a mystical figure with long hair and an insatiable thirst for beer appeared, it wasXaphan, willing to improve his own skills, and give power to the band with the acoustic drums. The band was gaining force, now they had been able to rehearsal properly.
With the appearance of
Xaphan, the band gathered hope and strength again, and the first demo was revealed on Radio. A new era had begun. The band was completely serious now, and after a couple of months of rehearsing, the band started playing live gigs.
Šaramainen continued working with the songs, and all BKoT together continued having the best of times, rehearsing, playing gigs, organising feasts, getting drunk and more.
Para mí. personalmente rivalizan con bandas del pagan ruso como Arkona, así que hago un llamado a apoyar lo nuestro y apoyar la escena en todas sus vertientes, estén al peendiente, que pronto habrá información sobre su nuevo CD, en su Youtube se encuentran adelantos de lo que promete ser, sencillamente, épico.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/beyondkingdomoftime
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialBKoT